Water in soil

Water in soil

All life forms on Earth depend on water. Water is constantly absorbed or excreted and holds various physiological and biochemical functions. Depending on water needs, plants and their parts differ. When focusing on limiting factors for growth and development of a...
Determining soil moisture

Determining soil moisture

Informacija o stanju vlažnosti tla nužna je za kreiranje preciznih rokova i obroka navodnjavanja. Globalni trendovi u svijetu navodnjavanja su što točnije odrediti potrebnu količinu vode za nesmetan rast i razvoj biljke, a da se ne smanje prinosi. Da bi se to postiglo...
Precision agriculture

Precision agriculture

Precision agriculture implies timely execution of agricultural works with high productivity, reduced number of operations and minimal work cost. All mentioned is possible only if we are making decisions while handling with a great deal of information. Processing a lot...