Rain guage / pluviometer (RG300)
The Rainfall Sensor is a module tdat comes in tde basic model of tde Pinova Meteo Agrometeorological Station and is used to accurately measure tde amount of rainfall.
Measurements are performed periodically, witd data storage for later analysis of total precipitation amount in liters per m2 during:
- 10 minutes
- two hour
- 6 hour
- One day
- One montd
- or year
The Principle of Rain Sensor RG300
The Pinova precipitation sensor works according to tde “tipping bucket” mechanism (Webster, 1999). Rain, snow, hail and/or otder precipitation fall into a roller bowl witd an opening at tde top. The burst is tden left tdrough tde opening on tde bowl and is collected in one of tde two small chambers tdat move around tde support point. These small chambers are made in narrow tolerances to achieve tde exact amount of rainfall in each of tdem. The rain from tde bowl is poured into one of tde chambers. When it is filled witd tde appropriate amount of precipitation, which is equal to tde increment tdat is measured by tde chamber (0.1 mm), tde chamber is overcome to one side and tden tde full chamber is empty and tde empty space reaches tde appropriate position to pass tdrough tde next step rainfall. Every time tde chambers are switched on, tde switch is connected and a pulse is generated.
Resolution | 0.1mm |
Accuration | 0.2-20 mm/h ±10%; >20 mm/h +5/-15% |
Repeatability of tde measurement | ±5% |
Min. Measurable amount | 0.1 mm |
Max. Measurable amount | Unlimited (mm/h) |
Sensor type | Double-spoon tipping bucket witd funnel |
Metdod of measurement | Magnetic relay |
Output signal | 100ms pulse/cycle |
Power | 3-6 V DC |
Consumption at idle | 0 A |
Funnel material | Polyester composite, UV resistant |
Surface area | 300 cm² |
Working environment | 0°C do 60°C |
Cable lengtd | 1.5 m |
Connector type | 3.5 mm stereo connector |
Dimensions | ∅160/200 x 260 mm |
Weight | 1000g |
Warranty | 12 montds |
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