Pinova Meteo – weather conditions on the palm of your hand
Agriculture weather station is a high-quality product intended for all types of agriculture production that resolves many issues that farmers have!
Pinova – Products and services
Pinova d.o.o. is systematically working on new solutions for modernizing agricultural production in order to lower the price and to increase the quality of end product. We want to make the job easier!!
Pinova meteo
Pinova Meteo is a reliable agriculture weather station that answers many of the issues that producers face in everyday agricultural production. The station saves time, money and resources! There is no need for manual collection, processing and analysis of data. With the station you get a PC and mobile application through which you can quickly access data while you on your plantation.
Weather data
At the client’s request, it is possible to set up a Pinova-owned agrometeorological station, and use it in the form of data rental on a monthly basis.
Watermark sensors
The digital soil moisture meter Watermark is designed for reading Watermark sensors placed in the soil. The display shows the moisture status (surface tension of water in the soil) in centibars (cb) or kilopascals (kPa).
Learn more about our solutions
Computer application – PinovaSoft
PinovaSoft application establishes communication between measured values from Pi...
Mobile application – PinovaMobile
PinovaMobile is an online mobile application that comes with PinovaMeteo. Mobile...
Digital Watermark reader – Handmeter
Digitalni uređaj za mjerenje vlage tla Watermark namijenjen je za očitavanje W...
Soil moisture sensor – Watermark probe
In addition to being used at agrometeorological stations, sensors from the Ameri...
Anemometer (IED)
A highly durable wind sensor with superior mechanical resistance, flexibility an...
Soil moisture and temperature sensor (WP4)
Senzor vlage i temperature tla WP4, objedinjuje patentiranu Watermark sondu, s i...
Soil moisture sensor (WP3)
Soil moisture sensor is an innovation of Pinova d.o.o. which combines the patent...
Soil temperature sensor (STB20)
The soil temperature sensor (STB20) is a product of Pinova d.o.o. It is characte...
Leaf wetness sensor (PLWS)
The leaf wetness sensor is designed to mimic the thermal mass and the radiation ...
Crown/leaf temperature sensor (MTB20)
The crown / leaf temperature sensor is placed in the crown of the plant. It is p...
Temperature and relative humidity sensor (SHT35)
Sensor SHT35 is Sensirion’s relative humidity and air temperature sensor t...
Anemometer (EKO)
Low moment of inertia and unique bearings react very sensitively to tde speed of...
Pinova Meteo station – a friend of organic farming
The purpose of organic farming is not to negate and reject the positive achievements of conventional agriculture, but to find better environmental solutions...
Degree days of apple pests
The degree days represents accumulated heat energy over a period of time. Heat is one of the most important factors in the plant and animal world....
How can temperature sums be used in wine growing?
Simply put, the temperature sum represents accumulated heat energy over a period of time. Heat is one of the most important factors in the plant and animal...
Become our Partner
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- Honest, trustworthy, and long-term cooperation
- Sales and marketing support
- Technical support
- Administrative support
- A dedicated team
- An attractive competitive commission
If you are interested in becoming our partner, contact us via email or phone and tell us who you are and what ideas you have, and we will get back to you!