Disease Models
Crop | Common Name | Latin Name |
Apple | Apple scab | Venturia inaequalis |
Fire blight | Erwinia amylovora | |
Pear | Pear scab | Venturia pirina |
Fire blight | Erwinia amylovora | |
Grapevine | Downy mildew | Plasmopara viticola |
Powdery mildew | Uncinula necator | |
Gray mold | Botrytis cinerea | |
Peach | Leaf curl | Taphrina deformans |
Fruit rot | Monilinia fructicola | |
Twig blight | Monilinia laxa | |
Sour cherry/Sweet cherry | Twig blight | Monilinia laxa |
Fruit rot | Monilinia fructigena | |
Cherry leaf spot | Blumeriella jaapii | |
Shot hole disease | Wilsonmyces carpophilus | |
Wheat | Brown rust | Puccinia recondita |
Yellow rust | Puccinia striiformis | |
Septoria leaf blotch | Septoria tritici | |
Sugar beet | Leaf spot | Cercospora beticola |
Outdoor strawberry | Gray mold | Botrytis cinerea |
Outdoor tomato | Tomato late blight | Phytophthora infestans |
Gray mold | Botrytis cinerea | |
Early blight | Alternaria solani | |
Outdoor pepper | Late blight | Phytophthora capsici |
Powdery mildew | Leveillula taurica | |
Early blight | Alternaria solani | |
Gray mold | Botrytis cinerea | |
Anthracnose | Colletotrichum sp. | |
Outdoor onion | Downy mildew | Peronospora destructor |
Gray mold | Botrytis spp. | |
Outdoor cucurbits | Powdery mildew | Erysiphe cichoracearum |
(cucumber, watermelon, pumpkin) | Early blight | Alternaria solani |
Downy mildew | Pseudoperonospora cubensis | |
Oilseed rape | White mold | Sclerotinia sclerotiorum |
Sunflower | Downy mildew | Plasmopara halstedii |
Black spot | Alternaria solani | |
White mold | Sclerotinia sclerotiorum | |
Raspberry, blackberry, blueberry | Gray mold | Botrytis cinerea |
Anthracnose | Colletotrichum acutatum | |
Walnut | Walnut leaf blotch | Gnomonia leptostyla |
Bacterial blight | Xanthomonas arboricola | |
Almond | Shot hole disease | Stigmina carpophila |
Twig blight | Monilinia laxa | |
Olive | Peacock spot | Spilocaea oleagina |
Potato | Early blight | Alternaria solani |
Potato late blight | Phytophthora infestans |
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